Mazda mx5 mk1 stylus bar and soft top leather cover
Stylus bar with windguard for mazda mx5 mk1
Came off my mx5 that ive recently sold and accidentally left the bolts in the car. However, replacements should come cheap. There is also a crack in the windguard as well, but not really noticeable and it works very well.
Apart from that there is no damage to the stylus bar itself and will make a very nice accessory for your mx5.
Will accept £70
Soft top leather cover for mazda mx5 mk1
Slightly dirty underneath but the top is in excellent condition.
Purpose behind it is to keep the stunning look of the mazda by tucking away the soft top when down. Looks professional and again a great accessory to have for youre mx5.
Will accept £25.
Will sell both items as a set for £80 as a good business gesture.
Please no timewasters, offers and no swaps.
Viewigs welcome,
Contact Damien on 07813571873